Sunday, May 24, 2015

Joomla runs from Tia's House of ....

Victory Is Mine

If you have been following this epic battle then you know the score was tied.  Today, last night rather, I emerged victorious against the CMS that is Joomla.  That being said I am happy to welcome you to ….

Tia's House of Snakes

Pictures and a Gallery

Picking up where I left off, the first task today was to add content and pictures to my article pages.  My boyfriend was able to provide most of the images I used; however, they were all different sizes.  As such, became my best friend as I constantly went back and forth, upload and download, to ensure standardization between the pictures on my site (in width if not height at least).  I had more than enough pictures so I decided that they needed to be showcased as well. At first I was going to add a slideshow, but then changed my mind and went with the Gallery menu instead.  I used the Ozio Gallery extension that ties to my Google picture album. -- I also installed JEvents; however, I decided not to use it with my final product.


One item that eluded me for the longest was how to change the default banner image provided by Joomla, but a Google search later revealed the secret location for this guy.  Once again, I thought about a slideshow to replace the banner, but I have the gallery and did not want to be too redundant or overbearing with the images. I might scare some of you away.  That is why I decided for a stagnant collection of pretty people and beautiful snakes.  Most of these images are from educational shows that my boyfriend and I have performed at the college we work out.


The final step for me was changing the template colors, logo, fonts, etc.  I did not spend as much time with this as I did the other topics because the tutorial is very straight forward for this.  With some of the other items I had to figure it out on my own rather than following the tutorial for one reason or another.

Overall, this process was aggravating and required one very yummy blizzard in order to get through it, but I am happy with the end result.


I am so happy to have a weekend in which to work on this site because I have been adding and changing content for several hours straight.  Something that could not have been accomplished during the week.  

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