Thursday, May 21, 2015

Joomla One - Tia Zip

Round One

Last night there was an epic battle between good and evil.... I mean Tia and Joomla.  This battle waged for many hours ending shortly after midnight with small victories and defeats on both sides.
This back-and-forth, head-turning, match occurred with no end in sight.  Then, Tia waved the white flag of surrender.

The next round will kick off later today.  Will Joomla prevail victorious again, or will Tia even the score and claim victory over all?

Stay tuned to this blog to find out...

What Happened?

Many of you may be wondering why I was not successful with Joomla on my first day.  I watched the videos for the first 3 or 4 modules; then ventured out on my own.  

What could go wrong right?  

The first problem I ran into was during the set-up stage. This was a minor skirmish and that was quickly passed over between the two installation wizard modules.  The next encounter occurred with installing the two extensions, JCE and Akeeba backup.  This aggravation lasted about an hour and I finally accepted the fact that the Joomla server dislikes my laptop.  I ended up using my tablet to login to Joomla and download the extensions from there.  By this time I was very tired and was feeling defeated but I was not going to stop when I was ready to add content.  This went much smoother, but I ultimately decided I needed to approach this with a fresh brain.  My homepage looks really good tho.


  1. Tia, this mirrors my experience. Joomla demo is just not user friendly. I'm wondering if this is a ploy to get us to purchase the full access version because it wants us to think it will work better then. Right now it has me ready to run for the hills screaming and pulling out my hair.

  2. Don't run just yet. I find that the other students in the course are a great resource for finding solutions. I'll help you if I can. If not, we are also great for having someone who understands to rant with.

  3. Despite the epic battle, it seems you have one! Your site is looking good, and I love all of the snakes. I'm still fighting the battle. We'll see if I can get the website in my head to appear on my computer.

  4. Good luck! I'm here for help if you need reinforcements.

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