Friday, May 29, 2015

From Joomla! to Interview-la

Happy Kitty
A paper, yay!

My first thoughts for this assignment centered on the tension lessening in my shoulders and the idea that this will be a much smoother process.  I thought to myself, “I’ll interview my co-worker and the information will be at my fingertips.”  So I approached my co-worker and explained the assignment to them … and they recommended I use a public library in order to “get the most” from my efforts.  They did volunteer to be my last minute plan B, thanks for that.

Sad Kitty
Who can say no to this face?

A bit deterred, but not willing to have negative thoughts I pondered who at the public libraries in the area would control their CMS.  Then it hit me, I know the perfect person for the job.  I called the location and found out she is on vacation for the entire week.
Grumpy Kitty
Are you fur real?

So I Facebook messaged her.  I will not take No for an answer.


  1. You are so determined! Love the cat pictures to keep us readers up to date on your emotional timeline.

  2. You are so determined! Love the cat pictures to keep us readers up to date on your emotional timeline.

  3. I went into this assignment with the opposite thinking. I just knew I'd have a tough time based on past experiences with interviewing. But surprisingly my first choice agrend and was actually helpful. I know your efforts will work out too.

  4. Stay tuned to this blog for more updates on the interview and probably more animal pictures. Promise no snakes this time.
