Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My First Post

Hello my fellow MLIS aspirants,

This is indeed my first blog post ever and I feel as if I am so behind in this class already.  I am determined to catch up so don't worry.  Due to unforeseen circumstances I managed to spend my entire weekend driving between Georgia and Ohio.  There is absolutely no internet signal in the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia.  I returned home around 3AM Tuesday morning and managed to get 4 hours of sleep before returning to work; then proceeded to type like a crazy person in order to complete the discussion posts last night.  I’m ready to catch up on sleep and I still haven’t unpacked anything yet.

I am determined to complete Assignment 1 by tonight so if there are any night owls out there feel free to keep watch and comment as you can.  I just want everyone to think about the level of horror I felt when I logged into Blazeview from a Starbucks on the road and saw 250+ unread discussion posts.  Panic mode set in, but the coffee helped (I think).  I felt that our first discussion session went great and I am looking forward to being a moderator for a future thread.  I wish everyone the best and thank you for reading my first blog post ever. – More to come!  -- At least for the next three weeks anyway.  J


  1. Panic mode set in for me, too! I didn't realize the class started on Thursday officially and so I had just been kind of casually beginning the assignments and the readings - until on Sunday I panicked when I realized my discussion prompt had been due that morning! I am caught up FOR THE MOMENT, but I'm sure that will all change soon.

  2. Every day is just a moment that we can use to catch up. Take one assignment at a time and remember there is a course-load of other students that are available to offer support and advice.
