Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Background Check - Line one

Salutations to my loyal followers!

As you may have figured out my now my name is Tia and I am a graduate student in the Master of Library and Information Sciences program at Valdosta State University.  I began this program in fall of 2013 and will graduate this fall after I complete 3 more courses.  I began my library-land journey in 2005 with a part time after school job at a local public library and upgraded to a full time academic position in 2012.  I have loved working in different libraries and hope to turn this work into a career.

I am excited yet cautious as we jump into the deep end of the social media and Web 2.0 technologies pool.  I actually Googles a list of Web 2.0 technologies and discovered that I am familiar with more items than I thought; maybe not individual apps or programs, but the idea or larger picture behind each.  I have personally worked with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and very recently Periscope and Twitter.  I do not consider myself an expert at any of the above programs, but I dabble quite a bit.

I expect this course to go very quickly and include many long nights reading the computer screen and posting updates.  I hope to learn more about Web 2.0 technologies that exist and how to use them to my advantage.  This is happening already with our first set of assigned readings.  I believe we will all learn things that we can apply to our personal life as well as our professional one.  Are you with me fellow MLIS7505 students as we venture into the exciting yet packed next 3 weeks of our lives?

CHARGE (your laptops and cell phones)  J

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! I am definitely with you in this venture-- short for adventure. Good luck to us all!
