Wednesday, June 3, 2015


PREZI time!

Is it Chrismas Already??

I recently created a Prezi for a presentation that I have to present tomorrow (Thursday) at work.  As part of a staff development initiative, each staff member was given a database to research and discuss.  My first database is ProQuest Learning: Literature.

Prezi is a little different from other presentation programs in that it does not use slides.  Instead it uses a “zoom canvas” in which all of your frames are placed.  The frames can be placed in any order on the canvas and you control the order they are presented in.   You can also add arrows, lines, and other symbols to connect your slides on the canvas in order to create a “big picture.” You can create a Prezi account for free or you can purchase a subscription based on your needs.  If you have a free account then be warned that any presentation you create is open and reusable to the public.  I used a prior presentation on the topic as my template and altered the images, information, and text to fit my requirements.

A link to the full presentation is in the picture below and this link.

 Prezi Presentation
"The Big Picture"

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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